Rachel Alena

Business Voice Trainer

Business Voice Coach 

I help business professionals become more effective as a business voice trainer.  I also coach writers and professionals who want to narrate their own audiobook material. 

Your voice makes an impressions both in business and personally.  Not everyone is a “natural” voice, but everyone can learn how to use their voice to create the right impressions. Becoming a master of your voice is another step to business success and personal satisfaction. 

Photo of Voice Over Coach Rachel Alena

What Is Business Voice Mastery?

Hard work, dedication and exceptional quality are essential ingredients for being successful in business.

Equally as important? The way people perceive you.

While working with professionals who’ve come to me for business voice mastery, I hear goals such as:

  • I want to increase sales
  • I’d like clients to respond to me in a more positive way
  • I want to feel more comfortable speaking in front of people and in meetings
  • I dream of being the ‘voice’ of my company
  • I would be happier and more successful at work if I were able to communicate better with my co-workers

We often elicit an automatic response from others unintentionally. When you understand how your voice is perceived and gain the tools to control it, you instantly up your game.

Imagine a pianist playing the piano. They are communicating to you via the music and want to elicit an emotional reaction from you. Depending on the mood of the music, they may play loud, soft, fast, slow, deliberate, carefully or carelessly, all to help them communicate the feelings of the musical piece to you.

Similarly, your voice is a powerful tool that you use every day to persuade, to encourage, to suggest, to command, to influence, to ask, to reply, and more. To be an effective communicator, you want your voice, to be as effective as possible.
Business voice mastery is the art of knowing your voice and being able to use it effectively to reach your goals.

Business Voice(s)

Increase your communication skills while more effectively:
  • Lead meetings and teams
  • Close sales
  • Improve customer service
  • Increase company bottom line
I believe that voice coaching for business should never be a cookie-cutter experience. Maximum results come from focusing on individual needs and/or corporate expectations. That’s why voice mastery coaching for business is specifically designed for you. We work around your schedule in either a private or group setting. This program is for anyone who uses their voice for work who would like to increase their vocal presence and/or capacity. Some examples include: sales and business professionals, teachers, speakers, call center operators or presenters.

Engage with Potential Customers

In today’s world, tools such as video narration, online advertising, informational pieces, social media and other digital platforms are the means by which we reach potential clients. Future clients who feel connected to the voice in these platforms will be more engaged. Engaged potential customers are more likely to give you their business!

Company Branding

Become the voice of your company. Learn how to keep customers interested and sound like someone they can trust, somebody that they like and want to do business with. Build your brand in a voice style that fits your company.

Internal Trainings & Communications

Be the voice of your company’s internal training and messages to staff.  Make an impact doing it. Increase productivity by engaging employees in a way that makes them want to listen and learn!

Achieve powerful results and a great connect in narrating:

  • Animated videos
  • Online & commercial advertising
  • Instructional videos
  • Target market engagement
  • Apps
  • Speeches
  • Presentations
  • Meetings
  • Corporate messaging and more
  • Call center communications

Contact Me

Please contact me directly to discuss your interest in Business Voice Mastery.  I’ll set up a complimentary 15 minute consultation at no cost during which we can discuss your goals and how I might be able to help you. I look forward to hearing from you.